Monday, 13 January 2014

Second draft of double page spread

Here is my second draft of my double page spread. It is much better than my last draft as I have taken on board what I liked and disliked about the other draft and what I should change and tried to adapt it to make this draft. Although it still needs some work I am pleased and will only tweak little bits rather than change a lot for my next draft.
Firstly I used the same white background which I got from google images as before as the size of the image was exactly what I wanted and it didn't need resizing, also it had no edit to it and no boarder around the image which makes it good for me as it was a plain canvas for me to begin. With my main image I said that I wanted to crop it to make it smaller however as I used pixlr I couldn't crop it on their as I had already placed the white background on it. Therefore I had to crop the image on my laptop to make it fit then I had to again add the image to size. It does work however when it would be folded some of the text will be folded so won't be seen to make this work I could make the image a bit bigger and then make the writing smaller to make it fold evenly. This is the difficult thing with using pixlr as it doesn't allow you to size the page to make sure that things are in half. I made the text bigger as there was a lot more space and tried to make it all the same size, the problem with this is that when you use different colours for the font you have to start a new text which goes back to the average size on pixlr which is bigger than what I have used. I have put the article in four columns rather than just three so it makes it look more professional and none of the text overlaps. There is more problem that is the end column there is one word which is 'back' that overlaps the image which I will have to change. 
For the edit of this double page I decided that I didn't want it to be to overdone like the last one, I kept it simple and only added a soft boarder which does add some definition to the article. 
I made the pull quote the same size as the columns this allows me to make the writing in the columns stay straight and not overlap the other text. I decided to put it before the interview section instead of just the middle of the page which is irrelevant. In my last draft I made the speech marks larger than the text so it makes it stand out whereas this time I kept it all the same this made it easier to position and if I did it the other way I would have to make the speech marks the same size which would of been another task. I did add some more detail as I thought that the pull quote would of been a bit plain so I added some lines above and below to separate it from the article. I did this by using the letter l in lower case and turning it on its side like what I did on the front cover. This just makes it look like it has been made with lots of effort and adds more detail to the piece. 
I decided to use the same colour as what I did on the front cover so then my magazine has some consistency, the blue colour also goes with the image as it is the same location as the front cover image. I then used black as it was simple to use and is clear to read, the last colour I decided to use was a dark green which goes with the nature of the image and pulls the image with the text nicely. 
In addition I took out one of the questions and answers as it was irrelevant and I would rather have bigger text so it is clearer than to have smaller text and be more cluttered with an extra question which didn't really need to be there.
I did add more detail to the double page spread as I placed a small snippet of text next to the masthead which shows an insight into the article, I did this because I had some extra space there and it needed something. I looked at some double page spread's and saw that this was done a lot like this double page spread.

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