One of these is direct mode of address which is how the magazine speaks to the reader by the use of colloquial language which is language that is personal to you and also personal pronouns. As my magazine front cover is the first things that the reader will see I used language that would be interesting for the reader to see such as ritzy, collab and stars. All of these words instantly draw the reader in as they tell the reader that the things inside are going to read about and they will have to buy the magazine to see what the stars are, or what the ritzy scam is about and also who the collaboration is going to be with. There is not any personal pronouns which I do think I could add in as then it would make it more engaging however my sell lines would not work with personal pronouns in them. If I had put you're exclusive interview it would work better however I would then run out of space on my front cover.

There is information on the page that also engages the audience. I have put tour dates and also the ritzy festival scam on the front cover as they will want to read about them, with this information it acts as news on music and people will want to find about the latest news on the music front.
The next thing is the 'ritual pleasure of consuming of readers' this is when people subscribe to a magazine, I put this on my contents page as it is where people look for information also it is following the conventions of magazines.
Another thing was belonging of self definition I didn't want forums on the website as this could be dangerous, but I did want my target audience to feel as though they could talk to other people that is interested in the same music. This is why I have put fan mail as a feature in the magazine this makes it easy to communicate and see what other people are listening to and also what they like and dislike in the current indie music charts.
So now onto the visual things that attract my target audience.

My colour scheme also attracts my audience as it is simple and is easy to read. The purple, blue, black and white is good as it attracts both male and females. Also when looking at other music magazines they had four colours for example NME have black, red, white and always another colour that goes with the artist. When I use these colours throughout the magazine it shows that it is well designed and also is consistent which would attract the audience as they then know that the magazine is well produced so has some main stars in it. Also blue and purple connote cool and chilled people, I think that the colours are good in this case as it goes with the lifestyle of my target audience.
When you look at my double page spread the pull quote will engage the reader as it will make them want to read the rest of the article. As it is bigger than the rest of the text it makes it one of the first things that they will see, also the font is the same as the masthead of the title of the magazine so it must be important.
Overall I believe that I have created an engaging magazine that attracts my target audience, as the ways that I have presented certain bits of text is eye-catching so they will want to buy it.
Below is one of my target audience answering some questions on my magazine about the things that attract her.
Below is one of my target audience answering some questions on my magazine about the things that attract her.
So onto the uses and gratification theory.
People buy the magazine to escape real life dramas so it allows their tension to be free. It allows them to get their social integrative needs as they can read it with their family and read about the fan mail which allows them to socialise with other people who enjoy the same music. Another way that this magazine uses the uses and gratification theory is their affective needs as when reading the magazine it could allow their mood to be good as they are reading about something that they like. Lastly it shows their cognitive needs, as they can read about information and news about the indie genre.
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