Monday 13 January 2014

First draft of double page spread

Here is my first draft of my double page spread there are a lot of things that I know I will have to change but I have just put together the article and image to see weather it would work, as you can tell by my final piece of work I will defiantly have to change the image and article as it does look messy. This is my first draft of my final piece of work that I have to do as I have already completed my front cover and contents page therefore I can add things from their to make it work with my other overall house style. To make that work I had to try and use the same things as before for example font, colours etc. I do think I will have to tweak these things to make it go with my other pages of the magazine. 
Firstly my main image that I wanted was the one that I first used for my contents page as I didn't use this image I thought that it would be ideal to use it here instead. I already made the backgrounds for my double page spread before I created the article so below is the one with the other image.
This was ok to use however I wanted Noel my model to come across quite innocent and with this image I thought that it could look very sly and over confident. Also the edit was very harsh and I wasn't so keen on the black background behind the white square. It would have been easier to see the writing of the article but I do prefer the one that I used for my draft. The image on my draft fits in well with my genre as it is very organic and also looks rather intriguing, I didn't want it to follow the male gaze theory as I thought that this genre didn't need that and it is mostly about the music rather than the way that someone is positioned in a photo. I did ask my target audience which image they thought would work well with the double page spread and they did say this one as it doesn't look sexually provocative also they said that it worked well with my genre. I did look at recent magazine double page spreads and none of them had anything like this so therefore I am not following the typical conventions of the music magazines, I did like the location of the images as it would work well with the article that I would produce and also it hasn't been done before. When I looked at music magazine not just indie ones it was mainly country music that used the outdoors location, because I didn't want this as my genre I will have to ask people weather they thought that it would look like this but hopefully the way that she is dressed could suggest otherwise. I decided to locate the image on the right hand side of the page as she would be looking at the text and this could make the image interesting as though I have taken it for that in particular reason. I did chose to use the conventional feature of the article on one side of the page and an image on the other so it is clear for the reader and also follows other magazines. I did look at having just the image very large and having the writing around it however it did look messy and the text was not clear at all which is the last thing I wanted for my magazine. I did edit the image firstly I got a plan white background from google images and then added the image that I wanted on the right hand side. Then afterwards using pixlr again I decided to edit the overall picture to make it look vintage which is what I went for on the front cover. I did decide to keep it to coloured rather than a full colour change as otherwise the magazine will look to samey which is not what I want. I put an ink overlay on the image and also a faded boarder, I like the faded border as it gives it an edge however I am not fond of the overlay as it looks like someone has been touching the page with dirty fingerprints. BeforeI added the article it did look ok which is good as now I can see weather it works or not which it doesn't. Also it is rather dark at the top left hand side of the image which makes it harder to find a good colour to go with the main image that would be seen, this makes the title of the article a little less noticeable. 
I will have to change this so I can see the masthead, as it is the most important thing on the page I think it needs to be seen clearly. 
My article is not very good and I am not pleased with it at all. The article its self  I am really pleased with but the overall look of it I am not as it does not look appealing. It is not in line and and some of the parts are not of the same size. To make this look a lot better I will change the pull quote and put it on the picture. ALso I could see if i could crop the image that I use to just of her so I could add more text in the article and therefore will look more engaging to the reader. The pull quote I decided to have as " i'm the most boring 19 year old you'll ever meet" as it makes the reader want to know why and where about in the article it says that, to make the reader go on through the article I will change the position of this question and leave it to one of the last ones as it will make them read to that point. The masthead I thought I would have it as a pun however it could look cheesy. As the singer is called Noel Coelho I thought I could have it Coelho rather than hello which I thought was cleaver I will ask my target audience whether they thing this is right for my magazine but NME make things like this as it makes the reader feel as though they are not just loading you with information and it is less informal which is what I want for my magazine. When I was writing my article I wanted the questions to be separate from the answers so therefore I made each of them a different colour, when it comes to making another draft I could use different colours to make it more exciting however I do like the green, it goes with the nature of the image and adds to the overall look of the article. I decided to use two fonts on this double page spread as then it will be less confusing to read and also looks rather appealing. They were the same fonts as the front cover so the house style is kept throughout the magazine and they go well with the size of the image as well. I do like this about this draft so therefore I will keep it the same in my next draft just perhaps change the size of the text. 
With the structure of the article I will have three columns or maybe more depending on wether I change the image size to fit more text in, the only things about that is that It would be hard to guess where about you fold the double page spread in the magazine as you don't want to cut of any of the writing so you have to think about the gutter and the bleed. This is will be hard for me to estimate using pixlr so what I will have to do is print out a draft and see wether I can fold it without losing any of the writing of the article. When I was writing my article I decided to change the sell line on the front cover as I have not put anything in about Noels musical addition instead I will talk about her collaboration as that is what will engage the reader more to find out who she is collaborating with. 
I will defiantly change the spacing on the double page spread but I will keep the font and image but just crop it instead this will allow me to write more of the article. Also I will have to see whether the sell line makes a different anywhere else so that the spacing and columns are tidy and therefore looks more professional.  

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