Here is my first draft and my final piece of my double page spread. I have changed a lot about the image and article but still sticking to the same theme and feel about the overall page. I will say in this post what I have changed and why and also the things that I have kept the same.
Firstly my main image that I have on my double page spread has not changed, I decided to take it from the first draft of my contents page and use that. This was mainly because I felt that it had a personal touch and would work well with the article. The only thing about the image was that it is angled a certain way so it would have been weird if i put it to the left of the page as she would not be looking at the article. I also cropped the image so that you couldn't see the fencing in the background, when I looked at inspirational photos they looked rather professional without any fencing in the background. Also in my first draft I didn't have enough room for my article which was another reason for me to crop the image. I believe that making the image smaller makes it look more like a magazine, if I kept it the same size I thought that I would have to put a pull quote on the image to follow the conventions however the image had a difficult colouring to put something on which would then be easy to read. If I had the big image then it would be rather boring as nothing would be on it so it would take up space that could be used as writing space for the article. Once I had cropped it I enlarged it so then you see more of the model rather than the tree. When it came to edit the image I placed it on the white background before editing it so therefore it would edit all of the image rather than that one. I didn't want anything to extreme like my front cover so I went for a subtle look on pixlr. This made the final piece look old but not like my first draft which had think black smudges so was difficult to read.
Secondly I changed the mast head font and size, I didn't want it to be as thick so I changed it to 'aargh' which was the same font that I used for my contents page. I really wasn't sure about the title for the double page spread as I thought it could be cheesy however when I asked my target audience what they thought about it they really liked how I played on words and they said for me to keep it. When I write the title of the magazine I will always use a ( bracket as this is the logo for the magazine that is the reason for the bracket in the word encore.
In addition I added a pug as I had the space to write one and I wanted my magazine to look as professional as it can be, as the image was cropped it allowed me to have more space for the writing hence why the pug. I just wanted to outline who the article is with, also the exclusive makes the reader feel as though they want to read on which is what I want them to do.
Now on to the article's fonts, colours and actual text. I did write the article beforehand so I couldn't change it unless I wanted to add or subtract anything, that is why I subtracted some of the article as it was to bulky to fit in the columns. Instead of having three columns I have four which makes it easier to adjust and fit to size which makes it look professional and also easier to read. When looking at my first draft I thought that it looked rather messy and the columns were all over place which made the writing overlap I am glad that I have sorted this out as it does look like a double page spread that someone would want to read.
I changed the colouring of the text as I said before that I was having a dark purple and a blue as the colours I thought that using green for the main text of the article was irrelevant, therefore I have changed this to blue as it goes with the colours I have used recently in my production of the front cover. I knew that I wanted two different colours for the interview as it would be easier to understand what was being asked and the artists response. This made me think about the colour green that I used in my first draft as it did go well with the image that I used as green goes with the nature of the picture and also what she is wearing. I didn't want to use the colour purple in this piece and that was done on my front cover and my contents page so if I used it again it could look very similar and also the colour purple was a risk to take anyway as it is a feminine colour and my male audience might not like that. I think that the colours that I have used do attract both male and female so the purple that I have used before does not matter in this case.
By using the same font as the sell lines on the front cover shows the consistency of the magazine and also the house style as the font is very curved and not bold so it goes with the genre. I also used the same font for the pull quote, this font was used for the masthead on both my front cover and contents page which made it ideal for this purpose. As I have put it before the article it helps divide the interview up and not let it get jumbled like my first draft. I didn't really think about the pull quote on the first draft as I just plonked it in the middle of the page before writing the article, this was a very big mistake as the article then had to fit around the pull quote which when you look at it you can see it didn't work.
The only thing that I decided not to use was the + sign as it was irrelevant to this article and also I would have to find more space on the page to put it in. One of my target audience said that I could put facts about her as she saw this in NME however I didn't want it to be exactly the same and if I did put it on all of my three pages then people would think I would be putting it on all of them which was not what I was going to do .
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