Here is my first draft and my final front cover, I am going to compare them to say what I have changed and why and how it has improved. Also the things that I have kept the same for specific reasons.
Firstly I have used the same image this is because when I asked my target audience which front cover image they like the best they chose this one. The only problem was I had already added the masthead which made it very difficult to start over again. Firstly I had to find the same effect for the edit and also the tools that I used to make it, for example airbrush. I did make the image bigger as I thought it makes the expression easier to see and also looks more effective, it engages the reader more as it is closer to them. The image has been edited differently from the first draft to my final piece and instead of a more of a sepia effect it was a black and white with a tad of colour to it. I thought that if I used a different colour then it would look more vintage which is the theme, also I didn't really like the orange colouring to the front cover therefore another reason for me to change the edit. When making the image larger I decided to use more of the pixlr tools as it was easier to see where abouts on the image I needed to improve. I then focused on editing the sharp edges of the image and also the skin which didn't really need improving.
Secondly I changed the size of the masthead as when I asked my target audience what I needed to improve they said the size of the masthead. I did keep the colouring and the font the same as this is was I wanted. To make the mast head I wrote En(ore twice but in different colours then overlapped them to make it have a bit more definition and add some detail to the front cover.
In addition I changed the position of the date and price to the bottom right hand corner as my target audience agreed that it was the best place to put it, also I changed the font that it was written in as I wanted it to look a bit art deco this font made the £ look very quirky and I liked that it goes with the genre as well as my theme. On both of them however I did not add a barcode as I thought it could look cheap and I would prefer it to go on the back of my magazine.
The next thing I changed was the sticker with the free download inside, it has gone from being an oval shape to a circular shape which is easier to place on the front cover. Also it allowed me to make the font inside bigger as there was more space to write inside, another point that my target audience stated was to make 'The xx' Larger or in bold so it would stand out. I therefore had to write it in a completely different font as there was not a bold option on pixlr, the only problem was that I had to find a bigger font that would still go with my theme. I did find one and to add more detail I decided to put a line underneath so it is even easier to read and see on a shelf.
In addition I changed the box with the extra bits of detail that would be inside the magazine. I made it longer so that the text to be bigger, also it allowed me to add more text inside so therefore it would attract my audience as there is a wide variety of stars inside the magazine. Secondly, I made it less detailed as this could be put in my contents page instead of my front cover, this is why there is less writing about the stars and why they are inside the magazine. I didn't want to give too much information about the magazine on the front cover as it is revealing what is inside, it is like a blurb of a book. I decided to take the -'s out as it looked rather like a list which I didn't think celebrity names should be in. Also it makes it look more professional as all of the text is inline with each other. With the + on my first draft I thought that it looked rather like a doctors sign and I would prefer it to be thinner so I changed the font that it was in, I am now happy with it.
I decided to make the exclusive easier to see and read therefore I placed a white background behind it, if my target audience went into a shop to buy it it gives more detail and also stands out. This allowed me to move my sell lines up the page as before I had to make sure it was readable however because of the dark trees it was impossible to read.
Lastly I changed the font, colour and size to make it more like a conventional magazine. As I had not created my article before I had made my first draft I thought of a sell line, however when I wrote my article I thought that this would not really go and didn't engage the reader. Therefore I have changed it to a more engaging sell line which goes with my article. The only thing was when changing it I could not use the word collaboration as it was too long to write and would go across my models face which is defiantly not professional so I had to shorten it down. I kept two of the same sell lines as my first draft as I thought that they were the best ones to use, when showing my family however they spotted a rather big mistake that was a tad embarrassing. Instead of putting 'scam' I put 'scan' which I really needed to change.
When creating my final piece I had more experience with using pixlr this allowed me to make the sell lines go to the side of the page without me tapping the space bar to make it level. This font is easier to do that rather than the first draft as it was wonky and also thicker. As I made the sell lines larger I had to make the writing fit around the image this is why I have changed whereabouts the text is.
To add definition and to go with the other 'xx' download I decided to add the lines underneath again but in a different colour which was purple. When looking at the image though the two lines look different colours however they are not it is just the lightness of the background. I did use the colours of the blue as before as my target audience really liked this.
Excellent, Rhiann. The level of detail is great, and you are reflecting on the choices you've made. Great use of audience feedback.