Here is my second draft for my contents page it is much simpler than my first draft which makes it much easier to read however it looks like not a lot of effort has been made into creating my contents page. Again I used the same image as what I did before as I think it goes with the contents page I did not however edit the image like before as I think that it looked good without any editing. As my front cover has been edited I thought that having this as not edited will make the reader see that now all images in the magazine are not all in black and white or sepia effect. The image does not really follow the 'male gaze theory' as she is not in provocative clothing and is not poesy in a sexual way, I like that it is clean as it makes it more about the music than the actual person and how they have come across in an image. I used pixlr again as it is what I have now become used to and also it was easier to use as I know how to use this rather than suddenly change to another editing website. I did make the writing very big so it is really clear however I think it should be a lot smaller and add extra things on the contents page. I did decide to use the same font as my masthead for my front cover as it then makes my magazine have a house style also I kept the + sign. When I asked people their opinions on my first draft of my front cover they said to keep the + as a signature thing throughout therefore I have used it in this contents page. I decided to use the blue for this so it kept to the same colour as my front cover. I also made the think line of purple to separate the picture from the text to do this I used a lowercase l and coloured it in the specific colour that I wanted and positioned it in line with the image. This did take a long time as I did have to use a lot of ls to make the line as thin as possible and to make it to fill the length of the page. When using pixlr the letters or pictures go down in size in both width and length which makes it hard to get it to the exact size that you want it to be this meant that to make the l as thin as possible it was very small. I decided to add a white box at the bottom of the image to allow the website to be placed as it is easy to see and I can add extra information about the email or a subscription etc, this will allow my readers to find out more information about the artists that are inside this issue of the magazine. I did not add the top 10 tracks of that week as I think that it should be more about what is inside the magazine than the tracks and this could be a feature inside every episode of EN(ORE. Although I did say that I was going to look at NME at the contents page with more pictures in I didn't as I thought I would try to create my own one without looking at recent contents pages. However I did use the reviews, features and albums which is on the NME contents page. The page numbers are not all inline which I will change in my next draft along with the size of the font as it does look messy and not well produced. Also I forgot to include a page number on the contents page which some people could leave but as there is not a lot of writing on the contents page I will add it in to my next draft. I did decide to use the same font as the one on the front cover as then it is consistent throughout the magazine I do think that it looks good with the image. I chose to use the colour black as it is clear to read and shows importance which I believe the contents page is rather important I did use the purple from the last draft of my front cover as this is my favourite front cover so if I did use that one it would go well with the font cover. The only dilemma I have is that my magazine was meant to be aimed for males and females however if I used the colour purple people think that it is really girly and this could make people believe that my magazine is only made for females, although I have used the duck egg blue which is a male and female colour I could see when I ask my target audience if they would prefer it to be a different colour. I could even not go with the conventions of using the same colours throughout and could use different colours instead however it could look messy and look like the three different pages are from different magazines. I did not use the typical clean white background for the page as my magazine has a vintage feel I thought instead of editing it to look vintage I could just use an of white colour which I think works well. This is my other photo that I could have used however I think it is looks less professional and also doesn't go with the other image that I have on my front cover. I could also use the full head shot if I changed the size of the image and again try to make it look more like the NME recent contents page.

This NME contents page looks very detailed and also the pictures on the page show a little bit of information in the article which the reader could easily flick to. Also they have a big section about their magazine to try and get more people to buy their magazine and become subscribed this is what I would like to add in my next draft. They also have the plus like I have however they have written the word 'Plus' whereas I have got the + sign instead which I think looks modern. I also like that they have not called the page 'Contents' this makes it more like a magazine rather than a book, I think I will use this in my next draft. They also only really use black which I said I would use next time as it looks sophisticated, anything that NME has on their pages must work well as people are still buying their magazine, therefore I know that if I use it then it would engage the reader and make them buy every issue. The only other colour that they have is the red which is one of the main colours that NME use also they are saying about christmas therefore they could of used red as you connote the colour red to be christmasy. I could take the idea of the things that I write about having a specific colour for example if I talk about Noel and the issue is in december it is very christmasy so I could use christmasy colours. This could be carried through every issue different things that I talk about could have a different colour, I will ask my target audience what they think about this and I could use it in my next draft.

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