It is difficult to compare my front cover and contents from my prelim to my final piece as they were based on different things. As one was about a school magazine and one a music they will obviously have very different sell lines and different visual things. However I have learnt to use different technologies, how to manage time and also how much actually goes into constructing a music magazine. I defiantly have learnt a lot from making this and I am much happier about my final piece.
Looking back at my preliminary front cover it is very plain and also does not look that professional in comparison to my final piece. It covers a lot of the hair and is not in a straight line but also it looks very bare in the bottom left hand corner. If I had a chance to edit the prelim then I would change a lot of things, I think know that I have had more opportunities to use technologies then I would be able to create a more professional looking school magazine.
When looking at my contents page it does look very boring and does not really look like a contents page. There is no images that stand out to me and also the main thing which I feel stupid for is there is no numbers to actually tell you where a bouts the article is in the magazine. It is very bright which I do not like and also is not the shape for a contents page as it is square. I was really pleased when I created my front cover and contents page as I thought it looked rather professional but putting my final piece against it it makes it look very unprofessional and looks like it has been made by a much younger person. I have learnt so much when making this magazine so hopefully this is shown by my final piece.
If I looked at my prelim task on a shelf I would not pick it up as it does not attract me at all the sell lines do not stand out and everything on the page feels as thought it is squashed.
When I look at my prelim I realised that I did not spend as much time as what I would like and also I did not do a lot of research. When making my prelim I did not know any terminology or theories to make sure that my magazines had these or followed them to make it the best that it could be. The more research you did then the higher chance of producing a conventional and professional magazine. I would say that I am a organised person and I planned each post to make sure that I did not leave it to the last minute. I feel that overall, I have learnt a lot about research and time management when going from my prelim to my final task. When I carried out the research I made sure that I blogged about it so then I could easily look back and find out about each thing that I needed to. The detailed research has allowed me to make my final product the best that it can possibly be by putting in the effort and planning my time efficiently.
I thought that I did spend a lot of time perfecting my prelim, however now that I have looked back on it it doesn't look like I have compared to my final task. Hopefully my final piece looks as though I have spent much more time than my prelim as I have and I am pleased with the amount of time that I did spend.
When I made my prelim I only had the opportunity to make a front cover and contents page so when it came to make the double page spread I didn't really know what I was looking for. I had to start researching what the typical conventions were for the main task. I did find this the most difficult to create as I had less experience however once I had made my first draft I felt as though it looked rather professional. I thought that it gave me a sense of achievement as I have never created this before like the other two pages so when I did I felt more pleased with this than my other two pages.
I have to admit when I was looking at other people's music magazines I did think that mine in comparison didn't look at well produced but I changed this as you can see this in my drafts. As my prelim didn't have any drafts I though that I could of made some just to show how I created my magazine.
I did use pixlr on both of the tasks and as you can tell one looks like it has had better production than the other, for my prelim task contents page I put it as a collage which tell you that I really didn't have a clue how to make it on pixlr. I have since had a lot of experience to help me assist on my pixlr skills.
I learnt that feedback is key and even though I did not get feedback for my prelim I decided to always get it for each draft so then I could change it to appeal to my target audience. When I asked people about my magazine it was good to get positive and negative feedback as then I could change it to what they think they would prefer to look at. If I did not have any feedback then I would not of created a magazine like this one as I would not know what other people would think about it. For a magazine that is going to be sold it was vital to get peoples opinions.
I had to think a lot about responsibility as I had to look after my model as well as take the photos on quite expensive hardware. Also the macs at school I had to look after as I am so clumsy I was scared about breaking them. At school they have a system where if you wanted to take something out like a tripod then you would have to fill out a short form which was good as then I knew when to bring it back by.
Overall I think that creating a prelim of my music magazine was really helpful as it gave me a rough guide onto what to put on it and how it appeals to people. It then gave me an idea about research, time management and audience feedback. I have learnt about new technologies and websites to create things on which I know that I will use again in the future. I am glad that I have looked at other music magazines as I will probably go out and buy one as I know understand how much hard work it is to create one. Although they do have a numerous amount of staff working on the magazine it is very difficult to gather audience feedback as they can not ask people what they like and dislike as they are trying to sell the magazine to these people.
I am proud of my final products and I am so much happier about these than my prelim and hopefully you can see the amount of work that I have put into these.