Sunday, 6 October 2013

Print media terms

To make my music magazine I will have to use some print media terms.
These terms will help me put together my magazine and will allow me to make it look more professional.

Bleed is a printing term that refers to printing that goes beyond the edge of the sheet before trimming.The bleed is the area to be trimmed off the bleed is the part on the side of a document that gives the printer a small amount of space to account for movement of the paper. 
1= trim is where the product will be cut
2= bleed is the safe zone outside the trim area
3= margin is the safe zone inside the trim area
It will help me to construct the magazine and when I'm printing off my final product it will allow me to see if anything will be lost.

M= media forms (who is it? newsletter? magazine?etc)
I= insitution (who made it?)
R= Representation (what does the magazine show?)
A= Audience (who the magazine is for)

This will help me to build my magazine as it is all the question I will have to ask whilst constructing it. 

Pass audience
Is people who do not buy the magazine however read it, for example if you went to the doctors and picked up a magazine then you are classed as a pass audience. My magazine might be on show therefore people who walk past and read it will also be a pass audience. 

The gutter is the margins or the blank space between two pages. The gutter space is the extra space used to accommodate the binding. Also alleys can be used which is the space between the columns of text, it allows us to read it clearly and makes it look more professional. As I will be making a double page spread I will have to include a gutter and some alleys this is because my double page spread will have to be attached to a contents page and a front page, so I will need some sort of binding. Also the text that I will write will have to be spread out by alleys.

Is a reproduction of an original, I will use some parts of this as I will be looking at what music magazines sell well and why. If there are specific things that make them sell well then I will try to interpret these into my magazine.

A strapline is a slogan or subheading in which we can identify brands, or magazines. I will try to include a strapline in my front cover because then it will become easy to identify. For example KERRANG!'s slogan is Life is loud.

Is an amusing memorable phrase which is designed to catch attention in an advertisement. I will defiantly use this as once I have chosen my genre I can make a tagline memorable to the reader.

A pug is short bits of text that you find around the masthead. It can either be about the history of the magazine/newspaper or something to do with the articles inside. I will try to use this in my front cover as it will add more depth and also to add extra information to my cover.

Pull quote/Call out
Are the key words in an article that are pulled out and enlarged then placed inside the writing. They tell us the key things in the article and also what they might be talking about, sometimes they are humerous or very serious. I will defiantly add this as it makes the magazine look professional and also catches the readers eye to make them want to read the article.

1 comment:

  1. Good work Rhiann. Ensure that you use these terms throughout your blog, which is coming along well. Nexty steps - use others' blogs to help develop your own ideas.
