Look at the male gaze and comment on your view? Do I agree? How is the male gaze theory reflected in music magazine cover?
The MALE GAZE was created by Laura Mulvey and she states that in film women are typically objects, this is normally shown by the control of the camera (the gaze), the different camera shots of the actresses are adapted to the target audience who are mainly men. Although Mulvey wrote this in 1975 it still applies today, despite the growing number of movies targeted towards women and that feature female parts. Though it was introduced as part of film theory, the term can and is often applies to other kinds of media, it is often use in critiques of advertisements, television and magazines. I do agree with this theory, most music videos or films you see in the 21st century make the females more attractive for men for example how they are standing, what they are wearing and the angle in which the photo has been taken. I do believe that the camera acts as the 'male' eye and I find this very one sided as if I wanted to watch a specific film that would mainly be aimed at men, then I would see a woman in skimpy clothes, and looking very provocative which makes me feel sometimes uncomfortable. However I know that the media will not change as they sell a lot of their product because of the make gaze.

The key things that we look for when we are talking about the male gaze on the front covers of magazine are: The angle of the image; the clothes that the person on the front is wearing; their pose; how they look; where they are and the focus on specific body parts.
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