I used Pixlr to create my magazine as I have used this before so I knew that it was reliable and would allow my front cover to look more professional. Although I liked to use Pixlr I will try to use some other picture editing software and mix it up a bit, Pixlr has it's disadvantages as it can go blurry and the pictures effects can change when you press the undo button. However it is free and I was proud with my magazine front cover using Pixlr.
Firstly I had to choose my genre I was going to go for musical theatre as there was no magazines for this style, however it was difficult to see what sold well because of this. Therefore I chose Indie as that is my favourite genre so I could easily write an article that is targeted to that specific audience. I would like my audience to be between the age 15-32 as from the nrs website I saw that the best selling magazines for the genre of indie sold to people between that age range.
On my final front cover I will have to take the picture, therefore it will not be of a famous band (what a shame).
I had to pick the name for the magazine and I narrowed it down to two, these where CONFORM and ENCORE, I asked some people of my target audience which title they preferred and they all said ENCORE. CONFORM is still a name in mind as indie stars do not normally conform to rules so it makes it ironic, also it is very different and I think people will like it as it is sort of a pun to the genre of music. ENCORE is a word associated with music and people always want musk stars to perform another song at the end of a performance or show. EN(ORE allows us to see more of what happens to a star like a song at the end of a performance and I didn't want to just type ENCORE as I wanted something a bit different so instead of the C I have used an open bracket. This also suggests that the interviews inside the magazine have some things that are more important than others in addition it makes the audience see that the stars that are being interviewed have some secrets that do not want to be shared, that are sometimes in brackets.
I like the colours of the magazine as it works well with the genre and also it looks professional, when I edit my photo I think I will make it either black or white or a sepia effect. The border around the picture makes it look rough and edgy like the band, I will have to think if I would like to add a different border each issue or keep it the same for each.
The font of the masthead is different however I think I will change this as it is not my favourite and I think I can find something that will look more effective although it adds connotations. It looks like a stamp so EN(ORE is a statement rather than a word, it is important and it makes it edgy like the genre, on the other hand it doesn't go with the sell lines which I like.
In addition I like the october 2013 being down the side as it makes it look more expensive and the + allows the magazine to look less cultured. I will probably keep the font of the sell lines as they make the magazine look clean and professional which I think my target audience will like.
I will put the price and the barcode on my next attempt of the front cover as I'm not sure weather it will look good on the front or to put it on the back of the issue like a book. I will consider this when I ask my target audience some questions about the front cover.
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